What Social Media Channels Do You Really Need For Your eCommerce Business?

Olivia Armistead


October 5, 2023
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If you're running an eCommerce business in Sydney, you know how important it is to get your products in front of potential customers. With over 20 million Australians using social media regularly, it's clear that social media is one of the most effective ways to do this. But with so many different social media platforms out there, it can be difficult to know which ones to focus on.

In this blog article, we'll take a look at the social media channels that eCommerce businesses in Sydney really need. We'll explain why social media is so important for eCommerce businesses, and then discuss the key features and benefits of each of the following channels:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of which social media channels are most important for your eCommerce business, and how you can use them to increase your reach, engagement, and sales. So let's get started!


Facebook is one of the most popular social media channels in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. For eCommerce businesses in Sydney, having a presence on Facebook is a must. This platform is particularly effective for reaching a wide audience, as well as building relationships with customers and increasing brand awareness. Setting up a Facebook page for your eCommerce business is a straightforward process that can be done in a matter of minutes. Once you've created your page, you can start using it to promote your products, share content, and engage with customers. For example, you can post product photos and descriptions, share customer reviews, and respond to comments and messages in a timely manner.

In addition to these organic strategies, Facebook also offers a variety of advertising features that can be used to drive traffic and sales to your eCommerce website. With Facebook Ads, you can create targeted campaigns that reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. This can be particularly effective for retargeting users who have visited your website but haven't yet made a purchase. Additionally, Facebook offers a range of ad formats, such as carousel ads and collection ads, that are optimised for eCommerce businesses.

Overall, Facebook is an essential social media channel for eCommerce businesses in Sydney. With its wide reach, engagement features, and powerful advertising tools, it can help you increase brand awareness, connect with customers, and drive sales.


Instagram is a visual social media channel that has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for eCommerce businesses in Sydney. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram offers eCommerce businesses an opportunity to showcase their products and build a strong brand identity. To get started with Instagram, businesses can create a free account and set up a profile that highlights their products, brand messaging, and contact information. They can then start posting photos and videos that showcase their products and tell their brand story. Instagram's visual nature makes it an ideal platform for product-based businesses, as high-quality product images can help capture customers' attention and drive sales.

One of the key features of Instagram is the use of hashtags. By using relevant and popular hashtags, eCommerce businesses can increase their reach and engagement, as well as attract new followers. Hashtags make it easy for users to discover new content related to their interests and preferences, so it's important to use relevant and specific hashtags that are related to your business and products. In addition to using hashtags, Instagram also offers features such as Stories and Reels that can be used to increase engagement and reach. Stories are short-form videos and photos that disappear after 24 hours, while Reels are 15-30 second videos that can be shared on Instagram's Explore page. These features can be used to show off new products, highlight special promotions, and give customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business.

Overall, Instagram is a highly visual social media channel that can be a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses in Sydney. By using the platform to showcase products, build a brand identity, and engage with customers, businesses can increase their reach, attract new customers, and ultimately drive sales.


Twitter is a real-time social media channel that has become a popular platform for eCommerce businesses in Sydney to connect with customers and build relationships. With over 192 million daily active users, Twitter offers businesses an opportunity to join in with real-time conversations and engage with customers in a more informal setting. To get started with Twitter, businesses can create a free account and set up a profile that reflects their brand messaging and contact information. They can then start posting short and snappy tweets that share their latest news, product launches, promotions, and industry insights. Twitter's real-time nature means that businesses can quickly respond to customers' queries and feedback, which can help build trust and loyalty.

One of the key features of Twitter is the use of hashtags. By using relevant and popular hashtags, businesses can join in with wider conversations and attract new followers. For example, an eCommerce business in Sydney could use hashtags related to the city or their industry to connect with potential customers who are interested in those topics. Additionally, Twitter also offers advertising options that can be used to target specific audiences and promote tweets that showcase products or services.

Overall, Twitter is a real-time social media channel that can be an effective tool for eCommerce businesses in Sydney to connect with customers and build relationships. By using the platform to share their latest news, join in with wider conversations, and engage with customers in a more informal setting, businesses can increase their reach, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.


Pinterest is a highly visual social media channel that has become a popular platform for eCommerce businesses in Sydney to showcase their products and make it easier for customers to discover what they're looking for. With over 450 million active users, Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that offers businesses an opportunity to reach new customers and drive sales. To get started with Pinterest, businesses can create a free account and set up a profile that reflects their brand identity and product offerings. They can then start creating boards that showcase their products and make it easier for customers to discover what they're looking for. Boards are collections of pins (images and videos) that are organised around a theme or topic. By creating boards that are related to their products or industry, businesses can increase their visibility and make it easier for customers to find them.

One of the key features of Pinterest is its visual search engine. This feature allows users to search for products based on images rather than keywords, making it easier for them to find what they're looking for. To take advantage of this feature, businesses should ensure that their product images are high-quality and optimised for search. They should also use descriptive titles and captions that make it clear what the product is and why it's relevant to the customer's search. In addition to showcasing products, businesses can also use Pinterest to showcase their brand personality and values. By creating boards that are related to their brand messaging and values, businesses can build a stronger connection with their customers and increase brand loyalty.

Overall, Pinterest is a highly visual social media channel that can be an effective tool for eCommerce businesses in Sydney to showcase their products and make it easier for customers to discover what they're looking for. By using the platform to create boards that organise products and showcase brand personality and values, businesses can increase their reach, attract new customers, and ultimately drive sales.

Choosing The Right Social Media Channels 

In conclusion, choosing the right social media channels for your eCommerce business in Sydney can have a significant impact on your online success. In this article, we've discussed the four social media channels that we believe are essential for any eCommerce business in Sydney: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.Facebook is a powerful platform for connecting with customers, building relationships, and driving traffic and sales. Instagram is a highly visual platform that offers businesses an opportunity to showcase their products and build a brand identity. Twitter is a real-time platform that allows businesses to connect with customers and join in with wider conversations. And Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that can be an effective tool for showcasing products and building brand personality and values.

Regardless of which social media channels you choose to use, the importance of social media for driving traffic and sales to your eCommerce website cannot be overstated. By creating engaging content, connecting with customers, and leveraging advertising features, businesses can increase their reach, attract new customers, and ultimately drive sales.

We encourage all eCommerce businesses in Sydney to start using the social media channels discussed in this article to reach new customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. By consistently creating high-quality content and engaging with your followers, you can build a strong online presence that sets your business up for success.