The Hidden Costs of Order Fulfillment Software for Australian eCommerce Businesses

Olivia Armistead



February 2, 2023
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Order fulfillment software is a crucial tool for eCommerce businesses looking to streamline their order processing and shipping operations. It automates various tasks, from receiving and processing orders to picking, packing, and shipping products. The software helps eCommerce businesses to keep track of inventory levels, improve accuracy, and increase customer satisfaction.

In today's highly competitive eCommerce market, businesses must strive to offer the best possible customer experience to stand out. Order fulfillment software can play a vital role in achieving this goal by reducing errors, speeding up order processing, and providing real-time visibility into the fulfillment process.

When it comes to the cost of order fulfillment software in Australia, the price varies depending on the size of the business, the features and integrations required, and the deployment method (cloud-based or on-premises). On average, monthly subscription-based solutions can cost anywhere from $50 to $200, while one-time licensing fees can range from $500 to $5,000. Pay-per-order solutions are also available, which charge a fee for each order processed through the software.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the cost of order fulfillment software for eCommerce businesses in Australia and the various factors that affect its pricing. We will also discuss the benefits of using order fulfillment software to help eCommerce businesses make informed decisions about investing in this essential tool.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Order Fulfillment Software

The cost of order fulfillment software for eCommerce businesses in Australia is influenced by several key factors, including business size and volume, features and integrations, customization and support requirements, and deployment method.

Business size and volume refer to the number of orders processed by an eCommerce business. Smaller businesses with a lower volume of orders typically pay less for order fulfillment software, while larger businesses with a higher volume of orders may require more robust solutions and pay more.

Features and integrations refer to the level of functionality and integration with other software or systems that an eCommerce business requires. Basic software packages with limited features and integrations are usually less expensive, while more advanced packages with a wider range of features and integrations cost more.

Customization and support requirements also affect the cost of order fulfillment software. Customized software solutions and ongoing support from the vendor can increase the cost, while standard software packages with minimal customization and support requirements are usually less expensive.

Finally, deployment method (cloud-based or on-premises) can impact the cost of order fulfillment software. Cloud-based solutions are usually more cost-effective and easier to implement, while on-premises solutions require a larger initial investment but offer more control and customization options.

Ultimately, the cost of order fulfillment software depends on the specific needs and budget of each eCommerce business. It's important to carefully consider all of these factors when evaluating and selecting an order fulfillment solution.

Average Cost of Order Fulfillment Software in Australia

The average cost of order fulfillment software in Australia varies depending on the pricing model chosen by an eCommerce business.

Monthly subscription-based solutions are the most common pricing model and typically cost between $50 and $200 per month, depending on the features and integrations required. This pricing model provides eCommerce businesses with regular access to software updates and support from the vendor.

One-time licensing fees are another pricing option and usually range from $500 to $5,000, depending on the features and customization required. This model requires a larger upfront investment but eliminates the need for monthly subscription fees.

Pay-per-order solutions are also available, where eCommerce businesses are charged a fee for each order processed through the software. This pricing model is ideal for businesses with fluctuating order volumes or limited budgets.

Regardless of the pricing model chosen, eCommerce businesses in Australia should carefully consider their budget and specific needs when evaluating and selecting an order fulfillment solution. It's important to balance the upfront cost with the long-term benefits and potential ROI of the software.

Benefits of Order Fulfillment Software for eCommerce Businesses

Order fulfillment software provides numerous benefits for eCommerce businesses, making it an essential investment for any business looking to improve their order processing and shipping operations. Order fulfillment service providers need to be able to help you integrate your sales channels to their software, and their software needs to deliver in terms of ease and practicality, which is part of the basics of order fulfillment.

Improved order processing and shipping accuracy is one of the key benefits of order fulfillment software. The software automates many tasks, from receiving and processing orders to picking, packing, and shipping products, reducing errors and speeding up the process. This helps eCommerce businesses to improve the accuracy of their order fulfillment operations, reducing the risk of shipping errors and increasing customer satisfaction.

Increased customer satisfaction is another benefit of order fulfillment software. By streamlining the order processing and shipping process, eCommerce businesses can reduce processing times and shipping delays, providing a better customer experience. The software can also provide real-time visibility into the fulfillment process, allowing customers to track the status of their orders and receive more accurate delivery estimates.

Enhance inventory management is another key benefit of order fulfillment software. The software helps eCommerce businesses to keep track of inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts and overstocking. This helps eCommerce businesses to optimize their inventory management and increase efficiency.

Finally, real-time analytics and reporting is a valuable benefit of order fulfillment software. The software provides eCommerce businesses with access to real-time data and insights, allowing them to make informed decisions about their order processing and shipping operations. This can help eCommerce businesses to identify and resolve bottlenecks, improve operational efficiency, and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

In conclusion, order fulfillment software provides numerous benefits for eCommerce businesses, from improved order processing and shipping accuracy to increased customer satisfaction, enhanced inventory management, and real-time analytics and reporting. It's a valuable investment for any eCommerce business looking to streamline their operations and improve the customer experience.


In conclusion, the cost of order fulfillment software in Australia varies depending on the business size and volume, features and integrations required, customisation and support needs, and deployment method. On average, monthly subscription-based solutions cost between $50 and $200 per month, while one-time licensing fees range from $500 to $5,000. Pay-per-order solutions are also available for businesses with fluctuating order volumes or limited budgets.

Order fulfillment software provides numerous benefits for eCommerce businesses, including improved order processing and shipping accuracy, increased customer satisfaction, enhanced inventory management, and real-time analytics and reporting. These benefits make order fulfillment software an essential investment for any eCommerce business looking to streamline their operations and improve the customer experience.

In light of the benefits and cost considerations discussed, it's clear that order fulfillment software is an important investment for any eCommerce business looking to stay competitive in the crowded online marketplace. With the right software in place, eCommerce businesses can streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and provide a better customer experience.

We encourage eCommerce businesses in Australia to consider investing in order fulfillment software, to help them take their operations to the next level and achieve long-term success. Whether you're starting a new business or looking to upgrade your existing operations, order fulfillment software is a valuable investment that will pay dividends for years to come.